

体調はいかがですか? この動画が少しでもあなたの気分転換になればと願って、お届けします。暖かい春の雨をお楽しみください。


BGM:「変遷」by もっぴーさうんど.

Special Thanks to A_Different_Perspective, Makoto Seimori, Ralph Klein, Ellen Chan, Basil Smith, frechdaxxx, Sasel13, Iva Balk, Ellen Chan, Peter Kraayvanger, Alexey Marcov, Alex Gresbek, Anne_Schmidt, Manfred Reinert, Hans Braxmeier, Rafixx, David Frampton, Mabel Amber, still incognito…, manfred Kindlinger, Gary Pore, PublicDomainPictures, Uwe T., Dieter Staab, Gosia K., Jaesung An, Myriam Zilles, Светлана Бердник, analogicus   for Free Images.

あなたが人に甘えられないのは ずっと1人で頑張ってきたから

いくつもの役割を1人で背負って ずっと歯を食いしばってきたから




#40 Short Letter to You

You don’t take people for granted because you’ve been working so hard on your own for so long.
You’ve gritted your teeth and clenched your teeth for years carrying the weight of one person and one role.
Now that the weight is off your shoulders, you can stop trying.
Take your time and enjoy it at your own pace.
For your rain is already up.

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