



Special Thanks to  Nicoleta Nastace, SnottyBoggins, sudeshkumar07, mhollaen, TF3000, Harshdeep Singh, Pexels, Selling of my photos with StockAgencies is not permitted, Paul Henri Degrande, mhollaen, Vishnu E.U, Martin Str, Myri Roet, Martin Zellweger, Marzena P., Alex Hillier, MINAgency, JacLou DL, Marzena P., Оксана Коцур, StockSnap, Kevin Phillips, dmmkdcm, Shutterbug75, Havard Lillethun, Kitereisen, Dimitar Veselinov, Jose Aitor Pons Buigues, skeeze, Alina Chereches, creisi, Kevin Phillips, Herz_Koenigin, David Mark  for Free Images.


今日1日案内してあげよう 用意は良いかい?ついておいで

次は海だよ  気分はどう?



#44 Short Letter to You

Welcome to our sky.
I can show you around for the day.
Are you ready?
Come with me.
Next stop, the ocean.
How are you feeling?
It’s a little too crowded on the ground.
Well, you can come by anytime.

Follow me!