



BGM:「楽しいの終わりはいつも」by Keido Honda.

Special Thanks to  _Alicja_, jhenning, zoosnow,  dmvl, Gosia K.,  mowglisj, Ábel Újfalusi, Aquamarine_song, Aline Dassel, Jan Haerer, Niki_Ta, Zhong Peng, Mylene2401, Юля Базлова, AnniesPlanet, PublicDomainPictures, photosforyou, Zhong Peng for Free Images.

あなたに そんなことを言うなんて、意地悪 

あなたに そんなことをするなんて、最低 

わざとあなたを傷つけるのは その人が寂しくて不幸せだから 




#64 Short Letter to You

For those of you who are hurting, we have a healing video for you. We would be happy if this video could heal your wounds and wash away the meanness that you have been subjected to. This time, the theme is iris flowers.

We hope that the time you spend watching the video will help you forget about the new coronavirus, work, housework, and nursing care. Please enjoy the colorful irises in bloom.

That was mean, telling you that. 
It’s disgusting that he would do that to you. 
He hurts you on purpose because he’s lonely and unhappy. 
You don’t have to deal with such meanness.
Wipe your tears and smile. 
Because you’re going to be happy.


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