あなたを #山菜摘み にお誘いします。春が訪れた山の中で芽吹く、#蕗の薹 (#ふきのとう )や #たらの芽 たちの美しい姿を楽しんで頂ければ嬉しいです。
動画をご覧になる時間があなたの癒しになればと願っています。閉ざされて凍った冬を乗り越えて芽吹く、#山の命 の #エナジー をお楽しみください。
BGM:「All the Sights You Have Seen」by 三浦 望 .
Special Thanks to kappa vovosa, yukafujii, mahalopuka, ルアナ, hinacco, isuzu1202, dae jeung kim, Takaharu Misawa, MeGeM, 飛騨季節料理肴 店主, mi ru si, みいあ, mirin1598, 飛騨季節料理肴 店主, MeGeM for Free Images.
#104Short Letter to You
We would like to invite you to pick wild vegetables with this video. We hope you enjoy seeing the beautiful buds of butterbur and tara buds sprouting in the mountains as spring arrives.
We hope that the time you spend watching the video will help you heal. I hope you enjoy the energy of life in the mountains, sprouting after overcoming the closed and frozen winter.
Sansai is the sharing of new life that has sprouted in the mountains.
So, don’t be greedy and pick them all.
If you take care of the mountain, you will be able to enjoy the bounty for 100 years to come.
Why? Because we have been living with the mountains in a cycle of tending to them and receiving blessings from them.
So, let’s give thanks to the mountain gods and all living things, and enjoy this year’s wild vegetables.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)