



BGM:「The end of a day」by MATSU.

Special Thanks to Hans Braxmeier, Michal Jarmoluk, PublicDomainPictures,  Richard Todd, Siggy Nowak, nextvoyage, djkemmy, Sharon Ang,  pasja1000, Jah Cordova, Engin Akyurt, JAY PARK, Robert Allmann, aga2rk, tommy143, Terri Cnudde, Igor Ovsyannykov, Pexels, Jason Wagner, Umme Salma Chawala, engin akyurt, Jonny Belvedere, Benkowski, brokerx, GREGOR, Joaquín Enríquez, Robert L, 272447, Bruno /Germany, Ri Butov, Виктор Сапожников, Luidmila Kot, alessandro tripodi, Jason Dexter, Jah Cordova, dpexcel, Paul Henri Degrande, Dean Moriarty, Yves Bernardi, alienware377  for Free Images.

旅行に行きたいね 行くならやっぱり、あの島  
あの海風で、洗い流そう 悲しみや苦しみの多かった季節を 
新しい季節を作るエナジーを あの島で生み出そう  
だから、今は耐えよう あの島を夢に見ながら

#52 Short Letter to You

If you are tired, we will provide you with a healing video. We hope this video will help you relax and feel better. This time, the theme is a southern island.

We hope that the time you spend watching these videos will help you forget about the new coronavirus, work, housework, and nursing care. Please enjoy the feeling of relaxing on a southern island.

I’d love to go on a trip. 
I’ve got to go to that island.  
With that sea breeze, let’s wash away a season full of sorrow and pain 
We’ll generate the energy for a new season on that island.  
So, for now, we’ll just have to live with the island in our dreams. 


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